Painting a Mermaid Lagoon

I just finished this 24″ x 36″ oil on canvas this week and I thought I would share some of what I learned along the way. I painted this piece from imagination, meaning I had no reference so I got to just make it up as I go and it’s a lot of fun to paint that way.

First, a lot of rich color can come from subtle grays and browns. I remember a quote by the illustrator, Dean Cornwell, “A great colorist is known for their grays just as a chef is known for their gravies and sauces. The grays are the sauces that flavor all the other colors on the canvas.”

The sky was layer upon layer upon layer, because I wanted to give the feeling of real depth, not just a two dimensional flat space on the canvas. After that, the light pours in and influences everything around it. Prints of this image are available by clicking here, and be sure to follow me on Instagram @kyle_henry_art to see latest updates on my art journey.      -Kyle


$3700 -24″x 36″